
Food | Nutrition | Family| Lifestyle

IG: @katiemiddlemiss_

Website: thedinnerqueen.com.au

Vanuatu, Port Villa

About Katie

Katie can be recognised from her time on the hit renovation show "House Rules", where she and her husband emerged as the fan favourites due to their positivity, charisma, and relatability. Not long after, Katie started sharing her passion for recipe development and content creation, inspiring her to start her business 'The Dinner Queen' where she shares weekly shopping lists and nutritious recipes for the parents looking to save time, money, or simply spark creativity. Katie has built a strong community and loyal following through her engaging content and recipes that are simple, creative and enjoyable for the whole family.

Katie's bright personality, friendly smile and passion for healthy, family food incites joy and leaves her followers wanting more. Katie, her husband and two beautiful daughters, Hallie and Florence, live in Gundaroo, NSW and love to share their family adventures throughout Canberra and beyond.